A classroom.
Teacher: So you are around Vazhuthacaud?
Me: yes Sir
Teacher: Have you seen Annie Mascrene square
Me: Beg your pardon Sir?
Teacher: Annie Mascrene. Don't you know her?
Me: Err
Teacher: When you go home today look for this board and tell me if you saw it
Sure enough, I saw it. I may add here, I walk across it many times a day.
Next day.
Teacher: You saw it?
Me: Sir yes Sir (gleaming)
Teacher: So who is she?
Me: Sir?
Teacher: Who is Annie Mascrene?
Me: Err
Teacher: Find out
My teacher wasnt sure if I'd find reliable info on the internet. So I dont know if what I read is true. But let me try to write about this lady whose picture has been hanging around in my neighbourhood for a while.
She was born way back in 1902. It is always important to know what time one lived in.
She was unmarried – it is not insignificant! It is always important to establish a personal connection.
Now these 2 factors probably wouldnt let her have a square in her name.
So -
She was a freedom fighter. Well actually so am I – I fight for mine, she fought for India.
She was a rebel – dont you love these personal connections – so am I!
Well she fought Sir CP and his ruling – she n her pals wanted a responsible govt on place. I am fighting parental ruling – I want an irresponsible govt on my house!
She has been arrested a number of times for her speeches against govt. Am yet to have this happen to me – and when I do, err I dont think it will have anything to do with speeches.
She was a fighter not a lover. So am I!
She studied lots – MA in History and Economics, Law later – heck she was a lawyer! And her women prison mates called her Vakeelamma (err lawyer-mom?). Mmm my pals call me, err, they call me Ma too (suffixed by an 'ndi').
This lady has been crucial when Mr Pattom Thanu Pillai formed the Travancore state congress (story behind the formation is, some bloody ban on the constitutional reforms or something dissolved the state wing of Indian National Congress – so the new party. No questions.)
And Mr CP was not happy about this new party you see. They wanted him to end his Dewan rule and give it up for a responsible govt. “No way” he decided and went out of his way to get the party snubbed at bud.
Anyway it didnt get snubbed so Annie and the others went on and on. Till one day somebody decided enough of CP and tried to kill him. CP didnt die but he was hurt and decided enough is enough. So he quit and left Travancore.
But that was nothing compared to what Annie went through. She had herself arrested numero infinite, she had everything in her house stolen, her siblings transferred, insulted, and ridiculed in jail and the story goes on.
But this lady was one tough lady – another personal connection here again!! So am I! Ok maybe I dont look it. But its all in the mind. We tough ladies are that way, we dont show off our toughness, right Annie? Yea.
Anyway coming back to Annie. She was elected to the state legislative assembly, she has been a health minister with the state govt (Travancore-Cochin I think) once. And in 1950, she split ways with Congress but still managed to beat all her fellow contestants and go to LS. Smart girl, aint she? (So am I again! This is unbelievable! We should have been twins!)
But gradually Annie slowed down – bad health you see. And the poor dear left this world in 1963. Aged 61 – that is young! But that is the price we toughies may have to pay.
Anyway I dont know if teacher wanted this kind of info, but hey I was finding myself a kindred soul here, how can I not ponder over it. I like her. I should know more.
But for now, hail Annie Mascrene, I salute you Ma'am!
I'm really relieved sir didn't ask you about Mahatma Gandhi, Cris. I couldn't bear to read on how he should have been your ideal twin brother.
hmmmmmmmmm.......... expect articles longer than this one..............
(easy 2 read nd need less time).
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