Feb 26, 2009

v s or pinarayi?

The much expected grant finale of navakerala march came to an end yesterday. There was a question about v s participation in the function for last two Weeks . The last minute change in VS mind came out of the expected consequences that he may have to face after.The pinarayi faction seems to be happy that the ball is in their court now.VS had only two options, to attend the function or leave his chair which is a gift of communist party of India .If he have absented yesterday's programme it was sure that party will throw him out of power.VS chose to be a disciplined comrade in front of Prakash karat, giving the message that he is not going to get out of the chief minster post at any cost.

The drama played by CPI (M) and its polit Bureau is an eye opener for common people who watched all the action live like puppets.


picture courtesy -www.manoramaonline.com

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