May 26, 2009

Joys of little money

-- passing textile shops, drooling over clothes on windows, and when you finish - put your tongue out and say “bwa they are all bad”

-- taking long walks enjoying the things you see, running after buses giving yourself adventure plus exercise. Look at people in cars and bikes and say “Ha they don’t know what they are missing”

-- hanging out with friends at road-side stalls, having food you wouldn’t care the taste of cause you are busy trying to get a bigger share from the one plate you ordered.

--browsing through books you know you are not going to buy. Smell it and keep it back and promise to save a little to get it next month – the joy of finally getting it is priceless

-- knowing you are completely broke wouldn’t stop you from laughing it out with your friends. “Guess what – half more month to go and I am broke” you say and your friend replies “darn you lasted 5 days more than me”.

-- having pretty much nothing to worry about – they say you only worry about things when you have things. So logic would tell you what having no “things” mean :-)

There is more, but as usual I have this thing for 6, so I stop here.

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