Jun 8, 2009

WOD, after WED

(As taken from Vyga News)
What day is today?

Today is World Oceans Day. Yes there is a day like that, and it comes 3 days after World Environment Day (WED). It has been around since 1992, but it is going official this year! The United Nations has declared June 8 to be World Oceans Day.

So why do we need such a day? To celebrate our world ocean, and our connection to it.

The official website reminds you of a number of reasons why we should - your oxygen, your water, food, medicines and climate control, among many others.

What the ocean-day project wants us to do is stop taking the world's ocean for granted. World's Ocean Day is a reminder to change perspective, learn, change our ways and celebrate.

Every part of the world is involved in a number of activities to celebrate the day.

India is having a photographic exhibition on Ocean at Mumbai today to draw attention to the deteriorating coastal areas in India. The exhibition, arranged by The Institute of Science, aims to create awareness among fishermen, school-children and others. In Chennai, a quiz show is being conducted today, on oceans of the world.

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